Investigate diverse natural products that regulate biologically and physiologically intriguing phenomena
2025.2.3 Lab member was updated.
2024.10.10 Dr. Hioki (Alumni) received 66th Incentive
Award in Symposium on Chemistry of
Natural Products (Oral presentation).
2024.10.1 Lab member was updated.
2024.9.1 Dr. Inoue received the Intensive Award at
70th Japanese Society for Symposium on
2024.8.8 Ms. Sun, Ms. Dakiiwa, and Dr. Zhang's paper
was accepted in Chem Eur J.
2024.8.8 Mr. Nakatani and Mr. Ebihara (M2)'s paper
was accepted in Chem Lett.
2024.6.1 Lab member was updated.
2024.4.15 Ms. Itakura and Dr. Utomo's paper was
accepted in ChemComm.
2024.4.1 Assist. Prof. Inoue joined to our lab.
2024.4.1 Lab member was updated.
2023.10.12 Lab member was updated.
2023.7.18 Mr. Yano and Mr. Fukuoka's paper was
accepted in JBC.
2023.4.1 Lab member was updated.
2023.2.6 Mr. Hioki and Mr. Ikuma's paper was accepted
in EurJOC.
2023.1.13 Dr. Utomo's paper was accepted in BCSJ.
2022.10.15 Mr. Hioki (D2) won the NU3MT best prize!
2022.4.27 Mr. Didik (D3) received the Student Lecture
Award at 102th CSJ Annual Meeting.
2022.4.1 Mr. Hioki (D2) was adopted by JSPS
Research Fellowship (DC2).
2022.4.1 Assoc. Prof. Tsunematsu joined to our lab.
2022.4.1 Lab member was updated.
2021.12.16–21 Organizer: PACIFICHEM2021 (Hawaii)
2021.12.1 Mr. Yano (D2) was adopted by THERS
IFNG Researcher.
2021.9.18 Mr. Utomo, Ms. Fujieda, and Mr. Tanaka's paper was accepted in ChemComm.
2021.8.25 Lecture: ICMHS2021 (Indonesia, on-line)
2021.8.18,23 Lecture: ISCMNP2021 (Indonesia, on-line)
2021.7.31 Lecture: 79th AWCS (Indonesia, on-line)
2021.7.1 Dr. Morita moved to NU-MBL.
2021.6.1 Mr. Hioki (D1) was adopted by Nagoya Univ.
Frontier Fellowship.
2021.4.1 Ms. Hirukawa (D1) was adopted by JSPS
Research Fellowship (DC1).
2021.4.1 Lab member & group photo were updated.
2020.10.1 Lab member has been updated.
2020.5.8 Ms. Zhang's paper was accepted in
2020.5.1 Ms. Hirukawa's paper was accepted in TL.
2020.4.30 Mr. Arai and Hattori's paper was accepted in Sci Rep.
2020.4.1 Lab member has been updated.
2020.2.1 Dr. Maho Morita joined our group as Assistant Professor.
2019.8.7-15 Summer school at ISCMNP2019 (Indonesia)
2019.8.6-7 Lecture: ICICS2019 (Indonesia)
2019.6.21 Lecture: RIKEN symposium (Wako)
2019.4.12 Ms. Zhang's paper was accepted in
2019.4.2 Lab member has been updated.
2019.3.24-27 Lecture: JSBA (Tokyo)
2019.3.24-27 Plenary Lecture: 6th Yangtze River Delta IS
(Nanjing, China)
2018.4.2 Lab member has been updated.
2018.3.26-28 Lecture: Pharm. Soc. Jpn (Kanazawa)
2018.3.15-18 Lecture: JSBA (Nagoya)
2017.11.19-21 Lecture: ISTbM-5 (Nagoya)
2017.10.16 Prof. Anthony. T. Tu (Colorado State U)
Special lecture (YouTube)
2017.10.2 Lab members & publication list updated
2017.7.28 Lecture: IRCCS The 1st Young Researchers
Forum (Aichi)
2017.7.7 Lecture: MOE Forum 2017 (Tokyo)
2017.6.7 Gallery (lab equipments) updated
2017.4.9 Comment: Nihon Keizai Shinbun (in JP)
2017.4.1 Kita Research Group has launched.