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M. Kita, K. Yamagishi, K. Tsuchiya, Y. Seguchi, H. Nakane, and H. Kigoshi

Development of photoaffinity derivatives of the antitumor macrolide aplyronine A, a PPI-inducer between actin and tubulin. 

Bioorg. Med. Chem. 25, 6322–6331 (2017). 

A. Murni, N. Hanif, M. Kita, and L. K. Darusman 

Methyl 10-epi-pheophorbide A from MCF-7 cells active layer of the Indonesian Ficus deltoidea jack leaves. 

Int. J. Pharm. Pharm. Sci.  9, 183–186 (2017). 

A. Sakai, E. Noguchi, T. Fukushima, M. Tagawa, A. Iwabuchi, M. Kita, K. Kakisaka, A. Miyasaka, Y. Takikawa, and R. Sumazaki

Identification of amino acids in antigen-binding site of class II HLA proteins independently associated with hepatitis B vaccine response.

Vaccine  35, 703–710 (2017). 

D. Kawashima, T. Hosoya, H. Tomoda, M. Kita, and H. Shigemori 

Sydowianumols A, B, and C, three new compounds from discomycete Poculum pseudosydowianum. 

Chem. Pharm. Bull. 66, 826–829 (2018). 

M. Kita, S. Watanabe, H. Oka, and H. Kigoshi

Synthesis of the trisoxazole macrolactone of mycalolides via template-directed E-selective ring-closing metathesis. 

Tetrahedron Lett. 59, 3664–3668 (2018). 

R. Watanabe, Y. Hu, K. Iio, K. Yoneda, A. Hattori, A. Arai, H. Kigoshi, and M. Kita

Specific protein-labeling and ligand-binding position analysis with amidopyrene probes as LDI MS tags. 

Org. Biomol. Chem. 16, 7883–7890 (2018). 

M. ZhangT. SunabaY. SunK. SasakiH. IsodaH. Kigoshi, and M. Kita

Anti-inflammatory marine cyclic peptide stylissatin A and its derivatives inhibit differentiation of murine preadipocytes. 

Chem. Commun. 55, 5471–5474 (2019). 

K. Futaki, M. Takahashi, K. Tanabe, A. Fujieda, H. Kigoshi, and M. Kita

Synthesis and biological activities of aplyronine A analogs toward the development of antitumor PPI inducers between actin and tubulin: conjugation of the C1–C9 macrolactone part and the C24–C34 side-chain. 

ACS Omega 4, 8598–8613 (2019). 

J. J. Sato, T. M. Bradford, K. N. Armstrong, S. C. Donnellan, L. M. Echenique-Diaz, G. Begué-Quiala, J. Gámez-Díez, N. Yamaguchi, S. T. Nguyen, M. Kita, and S. D. Ohdachi

Post K-Pg diversification of the mammalian order Eulipotyphla as suggested by phylogenomic analyses of ultra-conserved elements. 

Mol. Phylogent. Evol. 141, 106655 (2019). 

A. Arai, R. Watanabe, A. Hattori, K. Iio, Y. Hu, K. Yoneda, H. Kigoshi, and M. Kita

N,N-Dimethylaminopyrene as a fluorescent affinity mass tag for ligand-binding mode analysis. 

Sci. Rep. 10, 7311 (2020). 

M. Hirukawa, M. Zhang, L. M. Echenique–Diaz, K. Mizota, S. D. Ohdachi, G. Begué–Quiala, J. L. Delgado–Labañino, J. Gámez–Díez, J. Alvarez–Lemus, L. Galano Machado, M. Suárez Núñez, T. Shibata, H. Kigoshi, and M. Kita

Isolation and structure-activity relationship studies of jacaranones: anti-inflammatory quinoids from the Cuban endemic plant Jacaranda arborea (Bignoniaceae). 

Tetrahedron Lett. 61, 152005 (2020). 

M. Zhang, T. Sunaba, Y. Sun, T. Shibata, K. Sasaki, H. Isoda, H. Kigoshi, and M. Kita

Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase long chain (ACADL) is a target protein of stylissatin A, an anti-inflammatory cyclic heptapeptide. 

J. Antibiot. 73, 589–592 (2020). 


M. Kita and H. Kigoshi

Discovery and use of natural products and derivatives as chemical probes. 

in Discovery and Utility of Chemical Probes in Target Discovery, Ed. P. Brennan (The Royal Society of Chemistry), pp. 124–149 (2020).




Clinical Neuroscience  35, 1453–1456 (2017). 

北将樹, 米田耕三, 胡亜萍, 渡邊礼, 木越英夫


日本ケミカルバイオロジー学会機関誌  15, 11–14 (2017). 



有機合成化学協会誌 76, 442-445 (2018). 

大舘智志,ラザロ エチェニケ–ディアス,ヘラルド ベゲ–キアラ,溝田浩二,北将樹

野生のキューバソレノドン(アルミキ)Solenodon cubanus の生態を垣間見る.  

哺乳類科学 58, 204 (2018). 


生理活性蛍光リガンドとLA-LDI MS. 

生命化学研究レター 59, 7–11 (2019). 


MyPR: 異分野融合型の天然物化学者を志す. 

有機合成化学協会誌 77, 371–373 (2019). 



化学工業 71, 73–78 (2020). 

名古屋大学 大学院生命農学研究科 応用生命科学専攻


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